Voices Against Violence offers a number of educational programs for adults and children that can be customized to fit your school/organization’s needs.
School Programs
Customized programs addressing a host of issues including healthy relationships, self-esteem building, and conflict resolution skills.
Age appropriate programming includes
- Body Safety (Grades K-2)
- Bullying & Teasing, with Cyberbullying (Grades 1-5)
- Sexual Harassment: Flirting or Hurting? (Grades 6-8)
- Media literacy: Influences on Teens and Relationships (Grades 7-12)
- Safe, Healthy and Respectful Relationships (Grades 7-12)
- Building Strong, Healthy Relationships: Teen Dating (Grades 9-12)
- Domestic Violence: Dynamics and beyond (College)
- Sexual Assault 101 (College)
Information Displays
For schools and other community locations, displays can be customized to provide information on any number of issues related to domestic and sexual violence, or stalking.
Professional Workshops/Training
Available for all who are interested in learning more about the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence, and stalking, as well as the affect these issues have on our communities.
“Anonymous Questions” – Submitted by Students
8th Graders
- “How does it make kids feel when they are used to relay messages between parents?”
- “Is it illegal for a parent to be making you feel bad, but not all the time, and yell and/or raise their voice a lot at you?”
- “What are some ways you can have a parent talk things out with you instead of yell all the time?”
- “If someone wasn’t getting hurt at home, but still wasn’t having a good life where they were living, like if their mom or dad always had different people at the house every night who were child molesters, what would happen?”
- “What could you do if you think that your parents might be in an abusive relationship?”
- “If your parents are neglecting you, how do you get them to notice?”
- “If you clearly tell someone that you’re uncomfortable with what they are doing, and they continue, then what?”
- “I think my uncle may be controlling in his relationship. What could I do to kind of show him it’s bad without him thinking I’m an idiot and it not being obvious?”
- “Should you be ashamed if you’re a victim of sexual abuse?”
Teen Girls Group
- “My Dad gets mad at me for no reason and sometimes he hits me to the point of I’m scared of him. He left some bruises on me. Is that child abuse?”
- “My boyfriend shows me weapons, but to only show off. But, I’m not sure if it’s ok. What should I do?”
- “I used to cut. Is that going to cause future health problems?”
- “How do you know if your mom is being abused?”
- “My dad lives in a junk yard. Can my 2 brothers get taken away?”
- “When my ex-boyfriend hit me, he didn’t hit me hard, but would that still be abusing?”
10th Graders
- “What do I do if a friend is being abused by her boyfriend? My friend really loves her boyfriend, she doesn’t know what to do. She told me not to tell anyone.”
- “Can you report something that you heard from a friend about her ex boyfriend pressuring her for sex when she said no?”
- “My ex always wanted me to have sex with him when I didn’t want to but I didn’t want him to get mad so I did. He said he really loved me. I don’t know if he really did though.”
9th Graders
- “My best friend was in a relationship with a guy who was constantly putting her down. He always had to know where she was going and when. She was more sad than happy. How can I avoid letting her get involved?”
- “What should you do if a parent is abusive? For example: Dad drinks a lot, verbal abuse, then one time he throws a cell case at you. What should you do?”
- “What ways can you talk to your partner about abuse and having sex if you’re ready?”
- “Most girls now a days would check off some of the things in the yellow brochure, but many people think that this is how society and relationships just are, is this bad to think this?”
- “If your best friend is getting beaten and you saw it, but she doesn’t want you to tell anyone, but you want to tell, should you? Or should you be a good friend and not tell? (my friend is getting hurt)”
- “Thank you for all you did to help with my mom. I’m very happy with what you all did. Everything you did helped a lot and now my mom is being different. Now she is happier and speaks more.”